NAB business accounts

Select the account you wish to apply for. You can apply for additional account types in the same application, however, first select the primary account you want to open.


The Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC) an Australian government agency, established to detect and counter money laundering and the financing of terrorism. It is both a regulator and a specialist financial intelligence unit. AUSTRAC oversees compliance by a wide range of financial services providers, the gambling industry and others with the requirements of the Financial Transaction Reports Act 1988 and, more recently, the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (AML-CTF Act).

It collects and analyses information about financial transactions and can provide that information to State, Territory and Australian Government law enforcement, security, social justice and revenue agencies, as well as certain international counterparts. In collecting financial transaction reports information and ensuring signatories to accounts are identified, AUSTRAC assists its partner agencies in the investigation and prosecution of criminal and terrorist enterprises in Australia and overseas.

Identification requirements

Before you can open or become a signatory to a personal or business account, we will need proof of your identity. The Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (AML-CTF Act) and Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) were introduced by the Australian Government to assist in the detection of criminal activity and tax evasion. The Acts apply to NAB. We require you to show identification documents to us before you can open your first personal or business account, become a signatory to an existing personal or business account with NAB.

Existing customers

If you're an existing customer with NAB (or a signatory to a NAB account) you will automatically qualify for identity verification upon confirmation that relevant information is held.

New non-business customers

For new NAB customers or signatories who carry identification such as a driver's licence, Pensioner Concession Card, Health Care Card or Seniors Health Card, only a few other forms of identification are required to qualify for the identity verification.

Incorporated bodies (e.g. private companies) can nominate a verifying officer who may certify signatories to any accounts opened by the body. Although the verifying officer must be identified in accordance with normal requirements, certified signatories do not require further identification by NAB.

If you are an individual opening an account and are a U.S. citizen or tax resident, you will be asked to provide your Tax Identification Number (TIN) or Social Security Number.

New business customers

To open an account in the name of a company or incorporated body, a business or an association, NAB will require additional documentation from you such as for a company or incorporated body - a copy of the certificate of incorporation; for a business - a copy of the certificate of registration of the business name or application for the same; for an association (unincorporated) - a copy of the document authorising signatories to sign for the association; for a trust - a copy of all documents creating the trust, including the Trust Deed.

If the business is incorporated in the U.S. you will be asked to provide your Employer Identification Number (EIN). Business customers who are financial institutions will also need to provide their Global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN) or other FATCA exemption status. If the business has any controlling persons who are U.S citizens or tax residents, you will be asked to provide their Tax Identification Number (TIN) or Social Security Number.

NAB privacy notification, terms and conditions, fees and charges brochure and indictor rates

Before starting your application for a transaction or investment product, review the NAB privacy notification and terms and conditions, including the fees and charges brochure and indicator rates. Please select 'Yes' to indicate your agreement to continue with the application. You can view links to the NAB privacy notification, product terms and conditions, fees and charges brochure and indicator rates when you apply.

Customer status

Is your business a customer of NAB?

Is your business an existing NAB customer? If you already hold a business account with NAB, please select 'Yes'.

Does your business have an existing NAB Business Transaction Account?

This question will only be displayed if you are applying for a NAB Business Cash Maximiser or Statutory Trust Account as you will need to have an associated transaction account to operate these accounts. If you do not already have an existing NAB Business Transaction Account, please select 'No' for this question. You will then need to select the business transaction account you wish to open in the next question.

Please select any additional NAB Business Accounts you wish to open at the same time

NAB Business Cash Maximiser and NAB Statutory Trust Account applicants

If you do not already have an existing NAB Business Transaction Account, you will need to open one as part of this application. This question is optional unless you are intending to open a NAB Business Cash Maximiser or NAB Statutory Trust account and DO NOT have an existing NAB Business Transaction Account. Transaction accounts include:

  • NAB Business Everyday Account ($0 Monthly Fee Option)
  • NAB Business Everyday Account ($10 Monthly Fee Option)
  • NAB Community Fee Saver Account (not-for-profit only) - not available with Statutory Trust accounts
  • NAB Farm Management Account (agribusiness only) - not available with Statutory Trust accounts

Do you use NAB self-service banking?

Only complete this field if you are an existing NAB customer. If you are currently registered for NAB Internet Banking, NAB Telephone Banking or National Online please select 'Yes'.

NAB Identification Number (also known as NAB ID)

Only complete this field if you are an existing NAB customer. If you are an existing NAB customer, you will have a NAB Identification Number (also known as your NAB ID). Enter your 8, 9 or 10 digit NAB Identification Number in the field provided. This number is normally located on the back of your NAB debit card, NAB credit card or NAB Visa Debit card as shown below.

Please enter your BSB and account number for your existing NAB Business Transaction Account

This question is only required for applicants applying for a NAB Business Cash Maximiser Account or Statutory Trust Account who have specified earlier that they currently have an existing NAB Business Transaction Account. Please enter the BSB (6 digits beginning with '08') and account number (normally 9 digits, some older established accounts may have 8 digits so please place a zero in front of the account number).

You can find your BSB and account Number via NAB Internet Banking or on a recent account statement. If you are unable to locate these details, please proceed with your application and we will be in contact to obtain confirmation of existing account details.

Full legal name of the business applicant

Please provide details of the registered name of your business.

Trading name of business (if different from full legal name of applicant)

The name your business trades under in its day to day operations. Only required if the name differs from the legal name given in the previous question.

Are you a not-for-profit organisation?

This question is only shown for applicants for the NAB Community Fee Saver Account. This account is only provided for not-for-profit community groups. Eligible criteria may need to be shown supporting the application. For more information call 13 10 12.

Are you a primary producer?

This question is only shown for applicants for the NAB Farm Management Account. This account is designed for agribusiness or rural producers. Certain eligibility criteria must be met to open this account. For more information call 13 10 12.

Self-service banking preference

Please indicate what self-service banking facility you wish to use

In order to access funds from your NAB Business Cash Maximiser Account or NAB Statutory Trust Account, you need to have a self-service banking facility. Please select what self-service banking facility you wish to use (Internet BankingTelephone Banking or NAB Connect).

Statutory Trust Account applicants

You can access information about your NAB Statutory Trust Account using a NAB self-service banking facility. Depending on the account type selected, you may also be able to access funds. For more information, please refer to the Product Comparison Table in the Product Disclosure Statement/ Terms and Conditions.

You can also access funds from your Statutory Trust Account by cheque (to be deposited into an account as cashing of cheques is prohibited by legislation)

Account type 1 preferences

Please indicate how many accounts you would like to open for your primary account

This question refers to the primary account you are opening for this application. Please select the number of these accounts you would like to open as part of this application. You can open up to 10 separate accounts of this account type in this application.

Please indicate the maximum number of signatories you will require for this account

Select the number of signatories you require to have access to this account. If you are opening more than one of these accounts, select the maximum number of signatories you will require for all of these accounts. Signatory details will be captured later in this application. If any of the signatories have not already been identified by us, they will need to go to their nearest NAB branch.

Please indicate how many accounts of the second account type you would like to open

This question will only appear if you have selected to open a second account type as part of this application. Similar to your first account, select the number of these accounts you would like to open. You can open up to 10 accounts of this type in this  application.

Please indicate the maximum number of signatories you will require for this second account type

This question only appears if you are opening a secondary account as part of this application. If you are opening more than one of these accounts, select the maximum number of signatories you may require for all of these accounts. Signatory details will be captured later in this application. If any of the signatories have not already been identified by us, they will need to go to their nearest NAB branch.

Please indicate how many accounts of the third account type you would like to open

This question will only appear if you have selected to open a third account type as part of this application. Similar to your first account type, select the number of these accounts you would like to open in this application. You can open up to 10 accounts of this type in this application.

Please indicate the maximum number of signatories you will require for this third account type

This question only appears if you are opening a third account type as part of this application. If you are opening more than one of these accounts, select the maximum number of signatories you may require for all of these accounts. Signatory details will be captured later in this application. If any of the signatories have not already been identified by us, they will need to go to their nearest NAB branch.

New business customer details (new customers only)

Full legal name of applicant (i.e., name of sole proprietor, partnership or company)

What is the legal name of the business applying for the account/s in question.

Are you a sole proprietor, partnership or company?

Select the business structure that best applies to your business.

Is the applicant acting as a trustee for a trust?

Please indicate if you are acting as a trustee for a trust.

What industry does your business operate in?

This question is optional. Select which industry best matches that to which your business belongs.

Tax File Number

Please enter your 9 digit Tax File Number (TFN)

This question is only applicable to Sole Traders. You are not required to provide NAB with the Tax File Number (TFN). If you elect not to provide these details NAB is required to collect withholding tax on the interest you earn. If you wish to provide the Tax File Number, please enter the 9 digit number in the space provided. Please note: If you do not have the Tax File Number or exemption details with you, please continue with your application. You may provide these details at any time by calling 13 10 12 or visiting your nearest NAB branch.

If you have a valid tax exemption please make a selection from the following options. Please note: You will be required to provide evidence of your exemption at a later date

Please note: If you do not have the Tax File Number or exemption details with you, please continue with your application. You may provide these details at any time by calling 13 10 12 or visiting your nearest NAB branch.

Business address details

Level/office no.

Please enter the level or the office number for your business.

Street number

Enter the street number of your business in the space provided.

Street name and type

Enter the street name and select the street type from the dropdown menu.


Enter the town or suburb of your business in the space provided.


Select the State or Territory your business operates in from the options available in the dropdown menu.


Enter the 4 digit postcode of your town or suburb in the space provided. Please ensure this is number only (eg. 3000).

Is your postal address the same as your residential address?

Please select Yes or No. If you select No, please complete the postal address details on the next screen.

Contact person at your address


Make a selection that applies to you from the list of available titles.

First name

Enter your first name (also known as Christian name) into the space provided.


Enter your last name (also known as surname or family name) in the space provided.

Telephone number (please include area code)

Please provide the most convenient number for us to contact you preferably a landline (mobile number can be provided in the next question). Please provide your area code where applicable so we are sure which state to call but do not include any spaces (eg. 0391231234).

Mobile number

Please provide a mobile number should this be a more convenient way of making contact with you to discuss the application.

Email address

Please enter your current business email address. This is where confirmation of this application will be sent so please ensure the applicant can access this email account.

Please confirm you email address

Please re-enter your email address as above. This is used to help you check your email address has been entered correctly as we will alert you if there is any discrepancy.

Preferred method of contact

Select if you have a preference as to how you wish NAB to contact you regarding this application.

Preferred time of contact

Select if you have a preference as to the time of day that NAB contacts you.

Postal address details (if other)

Level/Office/PO box number

If you reside in a unit, apartment or flat, enter the number in the space provided. If you don't have a unit or apartment number please leave the space blank.

Street number

Enter the street number of your postal address in the space provided (if applicable).

Street name and type

Enter the street name and select the street type from the dropdown menu (if applicable).


Enter the town or suburb of your postal address in the space provided.


Select the State or Territory in which you reside from options available in the dropdown menu.


Enter the 4 digit postcode of your town or suburb in the space provided. Please ensure this is number only (eg. 3000).


Please specify the signatories for the account/s you wish to open as part of this application.

Signatories are those people who are authorised to, amongst other things, transact on the account. Please indicate how many signatories you wish to have on your account. (Please note: a person must be a signatory on both a NAB Business Cash Maximiser Account and an associated NAB Business Transaction Account in order for them to move funds between those accounts using NAB Internet Banking, NAB Telephone Banking or NAB Connect).

Signatory fields will be displayed here for every account you wish to open in this application and fields provided for each account based on the maximum number of signatories you specified for each account type. As a minimum you must enter a signatory for each account you wish to open.

If you are opening multiple accounts you will see the question: 'Would you like all the accounts you are opening below to have the same signatories?' If you select 'Yes' to this question then the signatories entered for the first account will be applied to all accounts and you do not have to fill in all the signatory fields.

Preferred branch location

Upon approval, it is necessary for signatories to visit a NAB branch to sign documents relating to the NAB business account. Please enter the town/suburb and the state to locate your preferred NAB branch. A list of related suburbs based on your search criteria and/or the closest matched branches will be presented on the following page. From here you can select the suburb and branch you prefer to visit to complete the opening of the account/s.

Additional NAB products

Do you require assistance with any other banking solutions for your business?

If you require assistance, please specify the type of assistance from the options provided or include brief details of other assistance you may require from NAB in the space provided and a NAB business representative will contact you to discuss your specific needs.

Please indicate the type of NAB services you would be interested in hearing about

Select an option from the categories shown or enter your own need for a relevant NAB business representative to contact you to assist with this request.

Important information