Steps for assigning new users under my business

Make sure you’re logged into NAB Connect as an Administrator to get started. 

  1. From the Admin menu select ‘Accounts’.
  2. You can search for your account from the list or use the search filters ‘Filter on account’ or ‘Account owner (your business name)’ to locate your new account. 
  3. Select the option next to your account number and select Assign users.
  4. Choose the users you want to provide access to by selecting the checkbox next to their name. Or you can select the check box next to the Users header to assign to all users.
  5. Select the option next to your account number and select Assign services.
  6. Choose the services you want to provide access to by selecting the checkbox next to the service name. Alternatively, you can select the check box next to the Services header to assign to all services.

Please note

  • When you open an account, credit card or merchant facility under the same business name as your NAB Connect facility, this will appear automatically overnight. 
  • You can assign users and services for first party and related entity accounts (See Relationship type column).
  • For third party accounts, you can assign users, but you cannot assign services.

Important information