What is stamp duty?
Mortgage registration
Transfer fee
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Our stamp duty calculator helps you estimate stamp duty costs for each state and territory. This calculator should only be used for the purpose of providing you with an indication of some of the upfront costs including stamp duty costs you may incur, so you can include an estimate for these amounts into your savings plan.
Our stamp duty calculator doesn’t include all the additional concessions you may be eligible for (such as first home buyer discounts; Government backed schemes) or any surcharges or additional duties that may apply given your individual circumstances.
These rates change from time to time, and we can’t guarantee that these rates are correct, up to date or are the ones which would apply to you. You should confirm the government costs, duties payable and any applicable exemption or concession information with the relevant government authority. If you are buying your first property to live in, you may be eligible for a stamp duty exemption or concession.
To learn more about the stamp duty rules that apply in your State or Territory (including the latest information), please select your location:
- ACT, opens in new window
- NSW, opens in new window
- NT, opens in new window
- QLD, opens in new window
- SA, opens in new window
- TAS, opens in new window
- VIC, opens in new window
- WA, opens in new window
We have made a number of assumptions when producing the calculations. Our main assumptions are set out below:
Setup costs
- The calculations only include government registration costs and stamp duty on the transfer of land for the purchase price you enter and on one real property mortgage. The calculations don't include the registration costs for discharges of mortgage or for additional mortgages.
- We have not included all the possible setup costs that you may have to pay such as lenders mortgage insurance, lender's fees, every government fee, conveyancing costs and moving costs as these changes are based on individual circumstances. However, we have provided space for you to add extra costs where you are aware of them.
- Be aware that you may have additional costs based on your home buying scenario, but this calculator should allow you to calculate the main government charges. You should also estimate an amount for lenders mortgage insurance and add this to your budget if you believe it will apply to you.