About Authorised contacts

NAB corporate and purchasing cards

  • Authorised Officers are responsible for authorising new cardholder requests and performing card administration activities on behalf of your company.
  • They are the internal contacts for all cardholder queries. It’s mandatory that the company have at least two nominated Authorised Officers.
  • Authorised Officers must be identified by NAB.
  • An Authorised Officer may also use Commercial Card Self Service (CCSS) on NAB Connect to manage the NAB corporate and purchasing card account (facility).

How to add or remove an Authorised Officer 

To learn how to request and access CCSS on NAB Connect, watch this.


  • User includes Cardholders, Delegates and Approvers, including those who require reporting access or have a FlexiPurchase account.
  • An Administrator is a user who has access to Administration functions in FlexiPurchase. This access can be wide ranging or limited to certain functions, depending on the user’s requirements. These functions might include adding users and making basic changes.
  • Key Contact is a user who is registered with the FlexiPurchase Support Team and can email the FlexiPurchase Support Team to raise queries. A Key Contact can also submit a Work Order for configuration changes, add new Administrators and will receive FlexiPurchase support emails, which include planned or unplanned outage messages and upgrade release notes.
  • A FlexiPurchase Administrator can add or block a user within the FlexiPurchase system. For support, a FlexiPurchase Key Contact can email flexipurchasesupport@visa.com.

Corporate card servicing

Self-service using CCSS

Authorised Officers with Full CCSS Access will be able to self-serve most maintenance activities on the company’s NAB corporate cards in CCSS. Self-serve provides real time updates.

Users with View Only CCSS Access can perform company, cardholder and transaction searches and generate audit activity reporting in CCSS but cannot complete any card maintenance activities in CCSS.

How to add, remove or amend CCSS access

Services you can complete through CCSS

  • Ordering a new card
  • Searching for a cardholder
  • Adding a new cardholder (for bulk requests, see details below)
  • Changing a credit or transaction limit on a card
  • Adding or removing a temporary block on a card
  • Reporting a card as permanently lost or stolen
  • Ordering a replacement card
  • Permanently closing a card
  • Reordering or resetting a card pin 
  • Adding or removing cash restrictions on a card
  • Changing a cardholder name or other cardholder details
  • Changing the embossed name on a card
  • Reviewing card transactions
  • Changing an account funding option – for FlexiPurchase Dynamic Limit Management (DLM) clients only.

See the complete list and instructions at CCSS User Guide (PDF, 2MB)

Submit service requests by email

You can email servicing requests to corporatecardsupport@nab.com.au for processing by our Corporate Cards Fulfilment and Servicing team.

This should be used for requests that cannot be self-served or where access is not available.

When submitting these requests, please refer to Guidance for submitting service requests for the minimum information we will require to process your requests.

Guidance for submitting service requests

The below sections outline the minimum information we need to process your request and avoid delays.

Requests that can be self-served using CCSS are denoted by the asterisk symbol ‘*’. 

How to add or remove an Authorised Officer

  • To add an Authorised Officer to a NAB corporate or purchasing card account, complete the NAB Corporate Card Facility Authorisations form (PDF, 121KB), and email it to corporatecardsupport@nab.com.au.

    Ensure you record your Company ID or billing account number on the form, this is the 6- digit ID provided at the establishment of your corporate card account facility.

    The request must be sent by an existing Authorised Officer from their registered email address.


    Before you submit the form, the Authorised Officer will need to have visited a NAB branch to meet the identification and verification check. If you are unsure if a user has previously been identified by NAB, please contact your NAB banker.

  • To remove an Authorised Officer another Authorised Office may email corporatecardsupport@nab.com.au and provide:

    • Company ID or billing account number
    • Authorised Officer Name to be deleted or amended 

How to add, remove or amend CCSS access

  • Users with Full Access to CCSS can perform card maintenance activities, including order a new card, amend card limits and reorder card PINs. They can also conduct company, cardholder and transaction searches and generate audit activity reports. To receive full access, the user will need to be identified and verified by NAB.

    Note the following pre-requisites to apply for Full Access:

    • Full Access can only be provided to Authorised Officers. To set up a new user as an Authorised Officer, refer to Add an Authorised Officer.
    • Before you apply to give a new user Full Access, ensure the user has a NAB Connect User ID. Your NAB Connect Administrator can create a new General or Authorising user in NAB Connect, which will generate a NAB Connect User ID.

    If the prerequisites have been met, an Authorised Officer can email the request for a new CCSS user- Full Access to corporatecardsupport@nab.com.au. The email should include:

    • Company ID or billing account number
    • Full User Name
    • NAB Connect ID.
  • Users with View Only Access to CCSS can conduct company, cardholder and transaction searches and generate audit activity reporting, but cannot perform any card maintenance activities. No identification or verification by NAB is required for a User to receive View Only Access.

    Before you request View Only Access, ensure the User has a NAB Connect User ID. Your NAB Connect Administrator can create a new General or Authorising user in NAB Connect which will generate a NAB Connect User ID.

    An existing Authorised Officer email a request View Only Access to corporatecardsupport@nab.com.au. The email should include:

    • Company ID or billing account number
    • Full User Name
    • NAB Connect ID.
  • An Authorised Officer may email corporatecardsupport@nab.com.au and provide:

    • Company ID or billing account number
    • Full User Name (this must be different from the requestor)
    • NAB Connect ID.


    If CCSS Access is changing from View Only to Full Access, then the User must be an Authorised Officer, refer to Add an Authorised Officer for instructions.

Using your card

  • An Authorised Officer may email corporatecardsupport@nab.com.au and provide:

    • Company ID or billing account number
    • Cardholder name
    • Last 4 digits of the card number.
  • An Authorised Officer may email corporatecardsupport@nab.com.au and provide:

    • Company ID or billing account number
    • Cardholder name
    • Last 4 digits of the card number.
  • An Authorised Officer may email corporatecardsupport@nab.com.au and provide:

    • Company ID or billing account number
    • Cardholder name
    • Last 4 digits of the card number.
  • An Authorised Officer may email corporatecardsupport@nab.com.au and provide:

    • Company ID or billing account number
    • Cardholder name
    • Last 4 digits of the card number.
  • An Authorised Officer may email corporatecardsupport@nab.com.au and provide:

    • Company ID or billing account number
    • Cardholder name
    • Last 4 digits of the card number
  • NAB continues to invest in advanced fraud detection capabilities and no longer requires our corporate card and purchasing card holders to share their overseas travel destinations and dates. We will continue to monitor for suspicious transaction activity for both domestic and international purchases and will notify customers of any fraudulent activity we detect and block.

    If you suspect card fraud, please call 1300 622 372. Alternatively, please review more information on how to dispute a credit card transaction.

  • An Authorised Officer may request for an individual card to be blocked for a risky merchant or cash advance. An Authorised Officer must email corporatecardsupport@nab.com.au and provide:

    • Company ID or billing account number
    • Cardholder name
    • Last 4 digits of the card number
    • State the block required – risky merchant, cash advance or both.

Making changes to your account

  • To add new cardholders in bulk, first complete one VISA Corporate Card Cardholder Request Form (PDF, 32KB) per cardholder.

    An Authorised Officer can then email corporatecardsupport@nab.com.au with all the completed forms, providing:

    • Company ID or billing account number
    • Company details
    • Authorised Officer signature.
  • A FlexiPurchase Administrator can add or block a user within the FlexiPurchase system. For support, a FlexiPurchase Key Contact can email flexipurchasesupport@visa.com.

  • An Authorised Officer must email corporatecardsupport@nab.com.au with the following:

    • New statement delivery address
    • Company ID or billing account number.
  • To request a change to the Statement Cycle, speak to your NAB Banker and provide the following details:

    • Company ID or billing account number
    • Desired new statement cycle date.
  • To amend the account for the direct debit on your corporate card facility, speak to your NAB Banker and provide the following details:

    • Company name
    • Company ID or billing account number
    • Financial institution name
    • BSB number
    • Account number.
  • To request a change in the number of days before the direct debit occurs post the end of the month, speak to your NAB Banker and provide the following details:

    • Company ID or billing account number
    • Desired number of days before the direct debit will occur.
  • For a temporary or permanent change to a corporate card facility limit, speak to your NAB Banker and discuss the requirements.

    Your NAB Banker will then arrange any necessary documentation and the required updates to your limit.

    For a permanent or temporary limit change on an individual card (either increase or decrease), an Authorised Officer may complete this via CCSS as described in the CCSS User Guide.

    If you do not have CCSS, an Authorised Officer may send an email to corporatecardsupport@nab.com.au to complete the request and provide:

    • Company ID or billing account number
    • Cardholder name
    • Last 4 digits of the card number
    • Temporary limit amount
    • Expiry date of the temporary limit.
  • An Authorised Officer may request for the entire corporate card account (Facility) to be blocked for either risky merchants or cash advance.

    An Authorised Officer must email corporatecardsupport@nab.com.au and provide:

    • Company ID or Billing account number
    • State the block required – risky merchant, cash advance or both.

Reporting and statements

  • If you have FlexiPurchase or a third party expense management system, you can access reporting for your Corporate Card facility there.

    If you do not have FlexiPurchase or a third party expense management system, an Authorised Officer may email corporatecardsupport@nab.com.au with their reporting request and provide:

    • Company ID or billing account number
    •  Details required in the report.
  • You can access the billing statement via NAB Connect (PDF, 178KB).

    Alternatively, to request a billing statement outside of the normal statement cycle, an Authorised Officer may email corporatecardsupport@nab.com.au with the following details:

    • Company ID or billing account number
    • Statement period required.
  • You can access cardholder statements via NAB Connect (PDF, 178KB).

    Alternatively, to request a cardholder statements outside of the normal statement cycle, an Authorised Officer may email corporatecardsupport@nab.com.au with the following details:

    • Company ID or billing account number
    • Cardholder name
    • Last 4 digits of the card number
    • Statement period required.
  • To request an invoice be re-issued email corporatecardsupport@nab.com.au with the following details:

    • Company ID or billing account number
    • Details of which invoice you require to be re-issued, i.e. FlexiPurchase, Rebates, etc.


  • For any queries relating to specific transactions, an Authorised Officer may email corporatecardsupport@nab.com.au with the following details:

    • Company ID or billing account number
    • Cardholder name
    • Last 4 digits of the card number
    • Transaction amount being queried, i.e. declined transaction
    • Transaction date
  • To query a fee and or request a refund on the card facility, an Authorised Officer may email corporatecardsupport@nab.com.au with the following details:

    • Company ID or billing account number
    • NAB Account Number (for credit of refund)
    • Details of the refund request, including the amount and fee type.
  • To request a fee review, please speak directly to your NAB Banker.

  • For any general enquiries relating to your corporate card facility or an individual cardholder, an Authorised Officer may email corporatecardsupport@nab.com.au and provide:

    • Company ID or billing account number
    • Enquiry details.

Further support

NAB Corporate/Purchasing Cards


NAB Connect 

  • Learn more about NAB Connect
  • For support, please contact the NAB Connect Helpdesk on 1300 888 413 from Monday to Friday, 7:30am to 8:00pm (AEST/AEDT) or Saturday, 9:00am to 2:00pm (AEST/AEDT). If you're calling from outside Australia, dial: +61 3 8641 9930.

Important information