Repayments calculator assumptions

Repayments are indicative only. When calculating repayments, we have had to make a number of assumptions which may affect the accuracy of the amounts shown. They assume the following.

Time of calculation

We've calculated everything based on the information and figures available as at the date of the calculation.

Interest rates

Calculations are based on an example interest rate, or the rate you entered into the calculator, and are estimates only.

The interest rate you get may be different from the example rate, and/or the rate you entered into the calculator. We offer a range of rates on our personal loans. The interest rate you are offered is based on your personal circumstances.

We decide your rate based on:

  • your history with NAB including if you’re an existing NAB customer
  • information you provide in your application, including income, assets, debts and expenses
  • your credit history report including your credit score.

After you submit your application, we’ll give you an indicative interest rate if you’re conditionally approved. This is subject to verification of the information you give us in your application.

Once we’ve verified your information, we’ll give you the loan documentation setting out your interest rate and other important information. Keep in mind that the rate shown in the loan documentation is subject to change and may be different on the day of settlement.

Interest and repayment cycles

We've assumed that repayments are payable, and interest is charged, monthly and on the same day.  If you have chosen to view a weekly or fortnightly minimum repayment amount, we have taken the monthly minimum repayment amount, multiplied it by 12 and then divided it by 26 (for a fortnightly amount) or 52 (for a weekly amount). As there are not exactly 26 fortnights, or 52 weeks, in a year, this is not a precise conversion.

The estimated total interest charged (including where you have selected extra repayments) is calculated based on a monthly repayment frequency regardless of the repayment frequency that is chosen. We assume that the interest rate change or extra repayment selected takes place from the first repayment and remains ongoing for the full loan term when calculating the impact on the estimated minimum repayment amount, the total interest charged and projected loan term.


We have not included any fees or charges that may apply when determining the minimum loan repayment. Read more about  personal loan fees and charges.


We have rounded amounts with most results being rounded to the nearest dollar.

Important information